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Democratizing Solar

*Currently only available in CA. Coming to a State near you soon!

Utility Rate Savings Available

Here at Thrive Power, we believe that all homeowners should have an equal opportunity to participate in the benefits of going solar. We are committed to lowering costs to homeowners in both the short and long term. The only limitation at Thrive is that homeowners need to save money to sign up. See if you can start saving money, today!

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Open Sans

Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

Rock Salt





Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


Noto Serif

Open Sans







Equity x2

Thrive Power is serving all homeowners so that they can have an equitable chance of participating in the creation of a cleaner environment for the future generation (Equity #1) and also giving all homeowners an equal opportunity to participate in the potential for financial savings (Equity #2).

Thrive's mission is to help homeowners lower their cost of energy while also helping the environment...

You're welcome!

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I am a homeowner, and I always pay my bills, but getting a large loan for solar meant I could not do it. Thrive Power allows me to lower my bill without having to increase my liability.

Janice A.

I  had heard about homeowners getting tax credits when they got solar but I don't pay enough taxes to qualify for that. But with Thrive I get the savings on my bills I was looking for!

Jared S.

I love Thrive Power! Now I can go solar and save money on my bills. It also feels great that my energy is produced in a clean way.

Mark C.

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